Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Day 3-6

ok...so things have been good and not good....every day is so different! Friday and Saturday I tried really hard to stay within my points, which I did. I went out of town Friday and even ran on the treadmill while out of town. I was very proud of myself. Then my in laws wanted to go out to dinner! Which was fun! I have gone to dinner before and was able to make healthy choices so I felt like I could do it....boy was I wrong! I gave in to the temptation and ordered pasta because I had so many points still available! What a bad idea! Because then that shifted everything! I then spent all of Sunday eating like CRAP!!!! I felt like crap too...so heavy and lethargic. just NOT WORTH IT!!!! yesterday was hard too....I weighed in and of course didnt lose anything...not that I should have expected to...but ya! Still depressing!
TOday is a new day and so far is starting out great! I jumped back into my healthy habits and will report more on that tonight! Hope you all have a blessed day!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Day 2

Alright...day 2 started out GREAT!!! I did a treadmill workout and beat my stats for yesterday. In 13.5 minutes I upped it to .7 miles. Still nothing huge but at least it is progress. That is what I am striving for...progress not perfection. After that, i did 10 minutes of yoga. I Have been tracking my food on my WW app and also my fitness pal to help track my calories easier.

I was on point ALLLLL day until I put my kids to bed. 👎😞 I don't know what it is about that but its like the INSTANT my kids are all in bed and the house is quiet, its like all rational thought is GONE! I start binge eating. I KNOW I will wake up feeling just awful but again...all rational thought....BYE BYE! UUUUGGGGHHHHHH! Anyone have any ideas or tips they follow to help with this?

SO this morning when I woke up...of course, as I knew I would, I feel like CRAP! blah! But Ill go over more of today in my next post.

I've been having a lot of thoughts going through my head...very damaging thoughts I know but still, they are there. I feel as though I am destined to be overweight and unhealthy forever. I feel I have no will power. I feel......overwhelmed. That is probably the best word to really describe how I am feeling. overwhelmed. I have SOOOO far to go and its hard to see myself getting there. Knowing that thoughts lead to action, I need to find a way to rid myself of these poisonous thoughts. Looks like it is time for some personal development and prayer. I know that i can do ANYTHING through my Savior. I also know that I have a loving Heavenly Father who cares about me, and as silly as it sounds, I know HE wants me to be healthy and to love myself no matter what I may be going through.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Beginning

Most of my adult life I have struggled with my weight. I have tried it all, the crazy fad diets, spurts of exercise, etc. If you are anything like me, you know EXACTLY what i am talking about. I know what I NEED to do. Consume less calories and exercise.....sounds easy, right??! hahahhaha...anyone else laughing right now??

A little about me, I grew up in a very active home. My father was a sports coach for one thing or another and so I naturally LOVED all things sports. I was either in volleyball, basketball or track and was pretty good at what I did. And then I graduated form high school............and it all stopped. I started college, and worked full time and totally lost sight of the importance of regular exercise......like who has time for it between classes, home work and a job??! And to top it all off, because I was so busy I didn't take the time to make healthy meals for myself. I worked at a 50 diner and ate a lot of fries....fries....oh and did I mention fries!!? Anyway....I SLOWLY started to gain weight so I didn't really notice too much but I set myself up with some HORRIBLE habits that has pretty much carried me to where I am now: 15 years after graduation, married with 3 amazing children and 50+ lbs over weight.

On the surface, life is grand. I love my husband dearly and absolutely adore my children but deep inside, I don't love who I am as a person. I'm tired all of the time, sleep horribly, and just have a lack of motivation for just about anything that isn't necessary. I know I cannot be the only only one in this exact situation, but I am not very good at reaching out. So.....Que this blog. I felt that this would be a good way to express my struggles and triumphs, my setbacks and gains, and just my overall feelings as I go through this journey. I am mainly doing this for myself but if I happen to relate or help anyone else along the way...that's just frosting on my cake! I also know that food and exercise isn't the only problem here. Its also how I feel about myself, which I ALSO know isn't just going to be fixed by losing weight and getting healthier. I plan on doing daily personal development, scripture study and working on my relationship with God and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I feel all of these things are KEY to being a healthier and happier Me!

ALLLLLLLLRIGHT.....now onto day 1.

Starting Weight 197.7 lbs
Goal Weight 145

I am following weight watchers (WW) to track my food to help me to have portion control and make healthier options.

Today was a bit hard.....I generally start off really well. I had a protein berry shake for breakfast, subway for lunch (which after putting it into my WW app....was WAY more points than I expected...even trying to make it pretty healthy! HA!) I had an apple and banana for my snacks. SO far so good, right....? But here is where it gets hard. All of those meals I eat by myself and can cook how I want. Dinner is SO much harder because I have to cook for my family. My husband suggested that we roast hotdogs over the fire pit in the back yard because it would be fun for the kids. And it was! But man....made me go WAY over my points for the day. I also had a mango. because fruits and veggies are free points on WW which I LOVE! but yah....I have got to get this whole healthy dinner thing figured out.

I have figured out that I am WAAAAAAAAY out of shape! HA! After I got my kids put to bed, I hopped on the treadmill and bot oh boy was I shocked at how quickly my lungs started burning and legs started to feel it. BUT at least I did it. I know it will be a slow process but I am going for progress not perfection (which is HARD for me because of my athletic background and am generally very hard on myself and think I can do more than I actually can and end up beating myself up for not living up to my expectations I have for myself). I walked half a mile and it took my 13:29 waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh (can you hear me crying over here??) Its pretty embarrassing but we all have to start somewhere. Tomorrow will be faster!